Prescription Drug Rehab Programs

Prescription drug rehab can help overcome your addiction to prescriptions drugs.
Prescription drugs are the second most common substance to be abused just behind marijuana. The National Institute of Health has estimated that more than 20% of all people in the US have used prescription drugs for a non-medical reason at least once and many do so on a regular basis. Because there has been an influx of prescription drug abuse in the recent years, many new prescription drug rehab programs have been developed in an effort to combat this dangerous and deadly problem.
Unfortunately, many young people as well as adults believe the using prescription drugs for the purpose of getting high is “safer” than using illicit street drugs. The reality is that prescription drug use has resulted in hundreds of thousands of overdoses and deaths and these numbers continue to rise as more dangerous and deadly drugs are placed on the market. The most commonly abused prescription drugs include painkiller such as OxyContin or Vicodin, sedatives such as Xanax and Valium and stimulants such as Adderall and Dexedrine.
Treatment for Addiction at Prescription Drug Rehab Programs
Addiction is recognized as a brain disease that can effectively be treated with a combination of physical and psychological remedies. In order for prescription drug rehab programs to be successful they must provide treatment for both the physical effects that have been caused by the drug addiction as well as the psychological effects of the addiction. Various types of treatment are provided at prescription drug rehab centers including individual and group counseling, behavior modification programs, and medication therapy.
Individual and Group Counseling at Prescription Drug Rehab Programs
Individual and group counseling sessions are proven to be an effective means of helping addicts overcome the psychological aspects of their prescription medication addiction. Individual counseling sessions are guided by an addiction counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist and group counseling sessions are moderated by a counselor to assure productivity. Together, these types of treatment provided at prescription drug rehab programs help individuals to learn how to effectively deal with their addiction and also how to work through their problems with their peers and by themselves.
Behavior Modification at Prescription Drug Rehab Programs
Behavior modification programs work to help the individual to understand the behaviors that lead up to their drug use. Once the poor habits or behaviors have been determined a plan is outlined to help the addict effectively change the behaviors into positive behaviors. Behavior modification programs are an excellent accompaniment to any prescription drug rehab program, especially for individuals who were initially prescribed the prescription medications that they are now addicted to. Under this type of treatment, individuals can learn how to deal with the pain, anxiety or other condition that causes them to use the prescription medication improperly.
Medication Therapy at Prescription Drug Rehab Programs
In many cases, individuals who use prescription drugs do so in an effort to self medicate or to deal with a pain or other condition that plagues them. Many prescription drug rehab programs provide medication as a means of helping addicts overcome the physical withdrawal symptoms that are associated with the abrupt stopping or quitting of prescription drug use. Individuals who are addicted to opiates most often find that a medication therapy based program is the best treatment for them.
Various types of medication may be used to help counteract the prescription drug addiction such as Suboxone or Methadone in the case of an opiate addiction. Both of these medications will work to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms that an individual feels and effectively help them to maintain their sobriety and continue with treatment. It is important to remember that any time a medication is used in the process of treating a drug addiction the medication administration should be closely monitored to assure that a further addiction does not develop.